The dream unveils and reveals the lack. Brutal accumulation of disorganized flesh, finally I am orphaned from my Father. [I] It is located on a crystallized witness hill in angels exempt from all norms, you are now skin to be broken.
[I] Virtual who will you be now like a shadow Geometry (Mutating within the borders of your bodies) Politics (You are part of the event horizon, you form fractions of a circular flow) A circle under tension. It traverses its own outline, a kind of repetition without emergency. Public space accelerates into π, it is on the verge of collapse, (π r2) constitutes itself into hyper-gaseous state flows, friction generates heat. Desire a circular reflected horizon external to the circle. You never finish traversing π. Cyclical repetition is defined by lack. Time accelerates and expands trying to recover an illusory emergence becomes weightless. The circle begins to vibrate.
The sign establishes coordinates on a map (statues and ice stone); position and production of desire. Object is that which is static in time and the cold and the linear temporalities that mark low entropy, that is, objectify, mapping multiplicities in a sort of homogeneous order.
However, after the death of the heart the gates of the reality of objects close and the hands-constitute-death. Likewise, death appears as axes of intensities (mercury gloves, the great gate opens), experimental emotions and new ecologies of gesture, in mouths and tongues that do not speak and in flows of movement dialogues and bodies and symmetrical divergences that are not parallel but constitute networks of high entropy (overlapping flesh, new organs, the new sex). "Politics are all about maps" Land and bodies and hands and the living flesh. However, flesh dies in the erotic in heat, fleeing bodies in states of high entropy that are relations of hot intensities, flows of vibrant multiplicities. Erotisized flesh appears as new flesh. Image of high entropy. The heart is sacrificed in erotic states; the gates of the reality of objects close. Sacred eroticism, sacrifice towards the continuum. Likewise, the continuum of the erotic appears as movement; flows of death and blood and saliva; subjectivation is realized from the wound, which marks a channel to the continuum and the wound opens the intense that flees out of itself. Hands conversing, decoding the imaginary.
The landscape is idle, the machine-subject is liquefied through death by heat. By reversing all rigidity, body becomes animal. The mask is a fissure of ecstasy and horror and horror is the ultimate end, an extensive horizon of desire crossed by un-delimitations of the possible.
Derived from Figure 1, The entropic body melts its organs; Body 2 has been formulated as an accumulation of moving machines (rhythm, friction, generating heat (movement trauma)). Its progression is determined by two rotating machines followed by the rest of the organism. Then, viscosity increases / entropy increases. This constitutes the gesture. C2 is a crawling body; moments of higher entropy come together at the beginning, perhaps as an initial acceleration. Then comes the rhythm. Rhythm first emerges as a tremor as entropy rises, trying to establish a sign. It experiences emotions through the senses (builds emotions). Entropy increases, corrupting the map, the integrity of the object is shattered. C2 appears as a wet dream; it is the sweaty autonomous leg, libidinally mobilized as a traumatized sensitive organ. Desire operates on it, leading it to the final axis of the possibility of flesh. Progress implies an end, the ultimate end that appears as the erotic end.
Report of the Gesture: The landscape is idle. The event-space is a room 1214 meters above sea level; that is, more than 6,001,214 meters above the Earth's central point. Within it are E and C. They emerge as gestural bodies in dialogue; they constitute starting points, thus they are located and entropy is low. They appear just over a meter apart from each other, and it is one of their first moments together. Distances at this height are greater. If we were to draw a line from their heads to the central axis of the planet, how much distance would separate them? Derived from figure 1. E and C discuss love: E asks C "about the erotic and spaces."
begins on a crystallized hill shortly before dawn / about desire: it maps desire onto impossible geometries: "a circle under tension". The circle is broken under the sensible, as a phenomenon, it is brought to an Inside through performativity to cognitive constitution: intensifying the circle turns it into a spiral. Desire operates as force, the delimiting axes of the circle construct a spiral that is traversed. In GATE 1, the spiral appears as geological configuration of desire; the field of continuum, accretion until the collapse of organisms, the journey leads to an end (ultimate end / erotic end).
GATE 1 is presented as a video-archive of the gestural performativity of the potential organism (figure 1 or F1). Figure 1 is originally composed of 3 organs capable of rotating, expanding, retracting, and moving through spaces; thus, Figure 1 is for the production and experimentation of (performative (gestural) languages))). F1 has been constructed as an eroticized organism: flesh in terribilità with the ultimate end. We can observe it displaying itself, static, as if an object, during the first technical intervention. F1 mutates, it is proposed to advance, a fourth organ is added, and it crawls. Here entropy intervenes.
Body 3 is configured through the performativity of the gesture mapping of E, "the hands-constitute-death." That is, organism-hand becomes space/lines that flee towards a continuum. Through interconnected flows, C3 takes its movement from the relationship of E's hand with space (a cartography of E's hand/becoming entropic flesh, gesture 2), utilizing a complex libidinal machinery of high-entropy flesh (rhythm, friction, generating heat: entropy increases (trauma of movement)). C3 is a body that crawls, rotates, contracts, and expands. It seeks to re-establish sign; when corrupted, the map acts as performativity (trauma of movement/multiplicity-in-motion). E's hand operates as the body of dialogue: it designifies language by marking a potentially uncodifiable space of continuum action. E asks C "about the erotic and home" C responds "that love and desire as a channel to the erotic continuum have no position. Love is in the air" she says. Derived from partial figure 1. Body 4 operates with dynamics of extremely high entropy: a tendency that escapes the trembling drag of C3, the flesh of space; the organism as intensity that exceeds the body-hand and internalizes an outside where the continuum operates (a kind of dark matter, contracting and/or expanding the fabric of space through a network of desire horizons that multiply, amplifying the forces that contract them on all axes of the network that constitutes space/multiplicity-space (intensity that expands without limit)) Therefore, the continuum does not arise as a defined space, nor position nor sign, but as erotic opening/multiplicity of attraction forces delocalized between C and E. "Between C and E" arrives as a multiplicity that absorbs the extension/opening of the delimitations of discontinuous being. Desire arises by expanding distances, constituting axes of horizons, fleeing flat lines, body becomes erotized body
The archive, which follows certain experimental processes of gestural production of F1, is presented multichannel understanding the arrangement of fragments as relational axes to integrate discourse as part of aesthetics: entities that open up to a continuum, as well as their frames (contexts / screens). Frames, contexts, and screens open gestural pathways through their close arrangement. These pathways provide openings to the erotic continuum (the continuum space, the ecology of gesture (gesture operates in a field building such ecologies))
GATE 1 opens the flesh by introducing numerological patterns into the code sheet of F1's mobility. It increases entropy / uses entropy to unveil the movement-gesture of F1 as an eroticized body. Tics, tremors. Tics, repetitions, rhythms, to the absurd, tremors, rhythms, repetitions, tics, pathologized body, structural death / de-structuralize F1 in its gestural eagerness as F1 is flesh sacrificing itself in the continuum / heat/. Temperature increases entropy (anything can happen in the erotic continuum) Hypermutated F1 constitutes the gesturality of a hand (see E). New organs, cloned, reproduced from previous ones, have been attached to it, changing the configuration of F1's original possibilities (it is something else now). Raising entropy and performing the movements of hand E (green), F1 derived as "body 3" or "C3" is capable of unveiling the erotic processes of E, constituting relational aesthetics where the gesture operates. Finally, F1 has been endowed with gesturality production.
We would locate the continuum in the space that mediates (as a process) and becomes a third sacrificing the previous two; GATE 1 deals with archival material from a documentary about what-is-that-of-love. Here we observe E and C. Both discuss love, desire, the erotic, in spaces, and they do so in spaces arranged with potential fields of continuum. The space between E and C (E-and-C) is mapped from the geological distance of E and C to the planet's characteristics (a crust, a core, escape lines forming a cheese); a relativized space would it change if they were higher? lower? This is the mediating space, the continuum is the third (E-and-C, between E and C (the previous two)). E-and-C comes as the great death, altering the understanding of time; there E and C are transferred, exchanged, multiplied, altering their "nature". Their individuated configuration perishes, they are pierced.
Screens, channels, frames, and contexts that open up to multiple networks. This opening produces continuum, as well as binary tensions (posed in the multichannel (2 screens)) of the subject's relationship generate leaks (mediations) that pierce opening relational aesthetics to death by sacrifice; pierced sacred research on what a hole can do / aesthetics of flesh that extends through a continuum that operates as a kind of internment of extensions / extensities that intensify.
multi-channel video, 2024